Monday, June 28, 2010

Rain, rain go's a monsoon outside! Woke up during the night to the sound of thunder and pouring rain - fell back asleep, tho. When I finally woke up this morning there was a pond - no - small lake in my front yard! We really must do something about that dip (crater?) in the front yard.

The chicken coop is under water near the gate - luckily I put fresh hay inside of the coop so that the girls (and the one randy rooster) nice and dry and comfy. The boys unfortunately will be mad at me for quite some time, as they are still in their temporary shelter - there's something about two-by-fours, a large tarp and two old shed doors that a house don't make! Didn't see them today - Fran took care of them. Hopefully they will forgive me in time!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I feel beat up today. I actually feel my age. Woke up later than I wanted to , but got the dishes done. We tied out the boys (Harry and Ron) so that they could get the feel of grass under their feet and also give me the opportunity to muck their stall (yuchh!). But it got done. Hubby, in the meantime, needed my assistance in starting the garden (about time ya think?) We had a heck of a time getting that started! Two years in the making.

So...he broke the hoe, I bought a new hoe at Delta Lumber (ran into Gary...I looked and smelled like poop!), then had to run to DG for more hose. In each instance I was hoping not to run into anyone, but you know what happens when you wish for that!! Yup! Ran into friends in both locations! What they must think!!! Oh, well.....!

So....tomatoes are in, green beans are in, canteloupe is in, early corn is in, radishes are in, green peppers are in. Think that's about it for now. We also are the proud parents of two young apple trees that are going in at the end of the garden! I'm hoping for a good harvest, and I'm going to locate a recipe for using crab apples which we seem to have in abundance this year.

I think that we should have done this 20 years ago, but the time just wasn't right. We'll make the best of it. Wish me luck!!!